Wantage Parish

The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

Wantage Parish is a charity, and the PCC is the legally responsible governing body. Members of the PCC are Trustees, elected from the worshipping members of both churches. The PCC meets approximately every other month.

The Annual Church Meeting was held on Sunday 28 April 2024. Please take a look at the following documents:

Annual Report covering the year 2023

Annual Accounts for 2023

Presentation from the Churchwardens and Treasurer (slides)

Minutes of the meeting with a summary of the presentations, Vicar's Address, and Q&As.

Please note these documents are in pdf format. If you use assistive technology which cannot read pdf files please contact us and we can send it to you in an alternative format.

Meeting Summary February 2025


The PCC met on 5 February 2025, and appointed Erica Mackay as our new PCC secretary.

The main item on the agenda was a Financial Sustainability Plan presented by the Treasurer. The PCC agreed that:

  • We would not seek to cut costs by reducing ministry, administrative staff, or music activity, but we would apply for grant funding wherever possible, as well as seeking efficiencies by looking for energy saving initiatives, and reviewing current contracts and suppliers.
  • Our main focus should be on increasing our income. Many of the ambitions are already agreed, e.g. increasing donations from visitors and occasional services, maximising how often our church buildings are hired out, promoting legacy giving.
  • Volunteer time is already stretched, so fundraising should focus on activities which raise the most money for the least input of effort, as well as prioritising mission and outreach.
  • We should explore other avenues for income including grants, semi-commercial or community activities, and (especially for the building project) a friends’ scheme focusing on ringfenced funds for specific purposes.

The PCC also:

  • Agreed that the trial period for the services of The Well and Storytime Service be brought to an end. These services have not achieved the hoped-for aim of reaching new people, and take a disproportionate amount of preparation. For the time being, the Vigil will alternate with a service of Evening Prayer at 4pm on Saturdays. James Clarke will be tasked with exploring alternative options for outreach to families.
  • Agreed to extend the Parish Assistant for Children and Families contract for a further 12 months from September 2025 and apply to the diocese for funding for this post.
  • Agreed the final colour and wording for the new external noticeboard at the Parish Church, and authorised the vicar and churchwardens to seek approval from the diocese and local authority. The location for the Holy Trinity board is still not resolved.
  • Noted the next steps in the building project, which are to seek input from architects and other experts. There are no costs at this stage.
  • Noted that further advice will be sought about our health and safety obligations in relation to incense.
  • Approved the renewal of a loan to the Museum of a medieval carved stone.

Previous PCC Meeting Summaries:

June 2024

January 2024

September 2023

July 2023