St Peter & St Paul, Wantage:
Church Street, Wantage, OX12 8AQ
Holy Trinity, Charlton:
Charlton Village Road, Wantage
OX12 7HW
The Parochial Church Council (PCC)
Wantage Parish is a charity, and the PCC is the legally responsible governing body. Members of the PCC are Trustees, elected from the worshipping members of both churches. The PCC meets approximately every other month.
The Annual Church Meeting was held on Sunday 28 April 2024. Please take a look at the following documents:
Annual Report covering the year 2023
Presentation from the Churchwardens and Treasurer (slides)
Minutes of the meeting with a summary of the presentations, Vicar's Address, and Q&As.
Please note these documents are in pdf format. If you use assistive technology which cannot read pdf files please contact us and we can send it to you in an alternative format.
01235 764533
Wantage Parish Church (St Peter & St Paul)
Church Street, Wantage OX12 8AQ
Holy Trinity Charlton
Charlton Village Rd, Wantage OX12 7HW
The Parish Office
Butler Centre, Church Street Wantage OX12 8BL