Ss Peter & Paul, Wantage:
Church Street, Wantage, OX12 8AQ
Holy Trinity, Charlton:
Charlton Village Road, Wantage
OX12 7HW
Click on the date to view a recent weekly pew sheet which includes parish news and announcements:
The Christmas Eve Crib Service
Advent Carols at the Parish Church
Wantage CE Primary School Christingle service
And the Open the Book team led a performance of the Nativity at morning assembly
The Around Table team (and clerical helpers) served a Christmas feast to two sittings of appreciative diners at Holy Trinity
Church Events
01235 764533
The Parish of Wantage with Holy Trinity, Charlton
Church Street, Wantage OX12 8AQ
Charlton Village Rd, Wantage OX12 7HW
The Parish Office
Butler Centre, Church Street Wantage OX12 8BL